Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving week

I hope your Thanksgiving break was amazing! I am so thankful for all of you, and very blessed to have you in my life. You make my job enjoyable and meaningful.

We are ending Unit 2 in our Religion books this week. The students will receive a study guide on Monday, we will review for most of the week and look back on some of the stories we learned, then test on Friday.

In Math, we are diving hard into decimal division this week. We will finish up next week, and move into measurement before the semester ends. Please make sure that your child is doing the math homework that is being sent home. I usually take one grade per week on math homework, but they do get punches for one homework as well. Math requires a lot of practice!

We are still reading The BFG by Roald Dahl in Reading. We have been learning about personification, metaphors, comparing and contrasting, cause and effect, and much more! We made dream jars this past week and Frobscottle. We are doing vocabulary a little bit differently with this book. We will take a vocabulary test at the end of the book. The students will receive a study guide for these words next week when we get closer to the end of the book. We are also working on verbs in language. We will finish up verbs next week and have an assessment on them.

I can't wait to see all the Colonist posters tomorrow! I am excited to see which colony you chose to be from, and all of your information. We will finish up Chapter 4 this week, and also get a study guide for the test. We will begin again with our "States and Capitals" quizzes with a study guide on Thursday.

In Science, we are still brainstorming our "Celebrate Science" ideas! We will begin Chapter 5- Earth's Landforms this week, while also brainstorming. Also, we will begin talking about the Science Fair! Whew! It is going to be busy in Science this week! The Science Fair project will be required, and the students will receive a grade. This is not for bonus credit, it will be a REQUIREMENT. 

I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

Love you all,
Nina Jones