Thursday, February 13, 2014

2014-Weeks 3-5

Religion- We are now studying Jesus as true God and true man. We have also been continuing our devotions with a few of "The Skit Guys" videos. Thank you Mrs. Dahlke for sharing these videos with us!

Math- We are "filling in gaps" right now with 5th grade material they didn't learn in 4th grade (now with Common Core they will learn these concepts in 4th grade), this is why you haven't seen the Go Math! sheets come home in a while. We are preparing for adding/subtracting, multiplying/dividing fractions. We should finish up our preview of fractions the middle of next week. Without the snow we had planned to be finished this week, but we will accommodate! 

Reading- We are continuing our book study of Shiloh/Old Yeller. We are also touching on quite a few important reading strategies such as: main idea and details, point of view, and author's purpose. We will also begin discussing figurative language. 

English/Writing- We finished our study on commas and have now moved on to Expository writing. We have began with a "How-To" paper, and will move into informative after we finish. You may also notice that we have began DOL again. Students are now receiving a grade for turning their CORRECTED DOL sheet in on Thursday, and also a quiz grade on Friday. 

Social Studies- We finished "The American Revolution" and we have began Ch. 7 "The Constitution." We are going to start moving pretty quickly through this, so expect quizzes almost daily. The quizzes come straight from the study guide/Power Point. 

Science- Right now we are studying weather patterns (perfect timing!), and the students are taking notes in a booklet we made for a study guide. I am showing them how to take notes, and giving them what they need to know. This is their study guide so if it is lost they do not receive another one. 

Here is our winning science experiment team from a few weeks ago. Way to go Sophia, Lawson, and Ethan! We learned about polymer and the particles suction to the pencil to keep the water from leaking. It took patience though!
I hope you are all having a blast in the snow! I can't wait to hear all about it! This is how Mrs. Jones feels about it: 

Love you all, 
Mrs. Jones