Friday, August 23, 2013

2nd week= Outstanding!!!

Two weeks down, only a lot more to go. I have had a blast this second week! We jumped into our curriculum, and we are having a ball! I really failed at taking pictures this week, we were just very engulfed in our studies! 

We have been discussing the Bible and the preservation of the Bible in Religion. Today, we watched "I am Second" videos of Bailee Madison, Colt McCoy, and Bethany Hamilton. We journaled about how we would feel if God said we had to stop doing the one thing we love to do most. If you haven't watched these videos I encourage you to watch a few! They are great testimonies!

We are still reading Frindle, and the students are enjoying their literature circles. We even read outside one day this week! I hope to finish this week and start Comprehension ToolKit. It is a great way to teach students comprehension skills with all sorts of different texts. The goal is to teach the reader, not just the reading!We will be reading different genres, fiction and non-fiction. I am really excited about this! You won't be seeing the typical weekly comprehension test from one story. Occasionally I will give a comprehension test on stories that we are reading. If you have any questions feel free to ask! For more information on Comprehension ToolKit visit this site:

We started Go Math this week and learned 
about place value and patterns. We are about 
to finish chapter 1, and move on to decimals! 
Get excited! 

In science, we finished up cells and had our
 edible cell projects today. You guys are AMAZING! 
I was blown away!! This week we will collect 
samples from around the school to see just 
how much bacteria is lurking around. We will also 
begin plants and have an experiment with those!
Put your lab coats and goggles on this week! 

In History the students are working on geography 
presentations in groups. They are doing so well! 
I can't wait for them to finish and present their 
presentations to the class. 

A lot of exciting things are happening in 5th grade! For a punch on your punch card, comment before Monday about what your favorite subject has been so far, and what you would like to see more of in that subject. See you Monday! 

Mrs. Jones


  1. Ethan likes science the best. He would like to do more experiments because they are fun to learn with

    1. Yay Ethan! You are going to love science this year! I've got a lot of exciting plans in the works!

  2. Gabrielle says she loves Math the most so far

    1. Math and science are my favorite, but Math has always been one subject I have loved!

  3. I am working on possibly getting some lab coats for you guys from Shannon Daily but wont know til Tuesday. I will let you guys know.

  4. My favorite so far has been Science and I would like more projects in class.

  5. Chloe loves history. She wants to know more about the founding of America. Thanks so much!!!

    1. Chloe, you are about to LOVE History in 5th grade! Next week we are starting the American Journey! Get excited!
