Friday, August 30, 2013

3rd week= moving right along!

We ended this week with a science experiment, and made icecream out of it! 

 Some of the ice cream froze, but others had sugary milk! Either way, it was fun to learn about how the ice and salt mix to make the cream freeze. 

We learned about different mountains in the bible and what important event happened at those mountains. We did a group torn art project to depict our mountains. 

We finished Frindle in reading this week, the students really enjoyed the book. We will be doing a lot of chapter books as a class, groups, and individually. Next week we will be learning how to choose the right books for us, work in reading groups, and different genres. We will also talk about different kinds of sentences, conjunctions, subjects and predicates, and then we will start poetry. 

In science, we started our bacteria experiment and we are just waiting for it to grow. This week we will begin plants, and learn more about classifying animals. 

In social studies, we have almost finished our project-based learning project. We will begin our Journey to America this week. Students will have a quiz after each lesson. 

We will be having a PTL meeting September 3rd at 6:00pm. We will also celebrate Grandparents Day September 11th. 

I am praying that you all have a wonderful, safe holiday weekend. I can't wait to see you all again Tuesday! 

For a punch on your punch card, tell me why the ice and salt mixture made the ice cream freeze. 

Mrs. Jones

"He must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30 

1 comment:

  1. Gabrielle says salt along with the ice lowers the freezing point of the icecream ingredients
    allowing it to freeze faster
