Saturday, September 14, 2013

4th and 5th Week= Superb!

I apologize for not posting last week! I wrote a post, posted it, and realized mid-week it had never posted. So I will try to sum up both weeks! 

Thank you to all the Grandparents and parents that came to Grandparent's Day! We had a blast! 

The week of Labor Day we had a blast with plants. We did a colored xylem water transport experiment with napa cabbage and colored water. Most of the experiments worked well with the blue colored water. We also began the human body system last week. We had a nurse from Children's hospital in Birmingham come and visit us. She brought lots of neat items with her to show us. 

The past two weeks in Reading we have focused on different genres, and non-fiction text features. This week we will begin a new book titled Abduction! I am so excited to begin this book! I read it last weekend and could not put it down. 

In religion we have been talking about the  Six Chief Parts of Discipline. I have been taking a class on Sunday afternoons with Pastor Bussman, and I am learning so much! We hope to finish our first unit in Religion in two weeks and have our first test. 

We began our first chapter in History and now we are going to finish up our project. We will begin having a regions states and capitols quiz each week. We will start out by naming just the states in a region, then we will include the capitols along with state names. 

We have jumped into addition and subtraction of decimals, and will work on estimating, and money this week. 

We will be going to American Village October 17th, and I will be sending home more information this week. I plan on taking one more field trip this semester.  

We also have began a morning "rebus" puzzle. Ask your child to show you one at home. They require lots of higher order thinking skills! 

We also received IPads and Apple tvs this week from Premier Bank! I am so excited to begin utilizing these in the classroom. 

Thank you all for everything you do! 

For a bonus punch, comment where you would like to go on a field trip to in 5th grade. 

Love you all, 
Mrs. Jones


  1. Lawson would like to go to the Mcwane Center.

  2. Ethan seconds the McWane Center or maybe Sciquest.

  3. Gabrielle votes for The World of Coke in Atlanta
