Saturday, September 21, 2013

6th Week= Efficient!

This week we made a lot of progress! We are sailing along in 5th grade, and I am enjoying every second of this journey!

This week in religion we talked about the difference between Law and Gospel. We also took a survey of how well we follow the Ten Commandments and learned that we all are sinners! We spent time on the first Commandment (a few days actually), and next week we will talk about a few more of the Commandmebts in depth.

We finished up decimal subtraction and addition today by making a menu from a local restaurant and we had to spend at least $70 but not over $75. The students definitely had to stretch their appetites a bit! Next week we will work on division and take a chapter test on decimals and division. 

We are reading Abduction in reading. The students are VERY engulfed with this story. They beg to read more chapters every day, which in return makes their teacher happy! We are using different reading graphic organizers to work on strategies, and this week they wrote a prediction of what they believe will happen. We will also finish up our grammar unit this week and have a test. 

In Social Studies we finished our project this week and presented them to Mrs. Ninke. I am so proud of 5th grade. They really did a wonderful job! Next week we will begin chapter 2 in our Journey to America book. We will have a Southeastern region quiz on Tuesday. 

We took out chapter 1 test in science this week, and now we will focus more on the human body systems. I feel that this is an important concept, and it is a standard on our course of study. However; it isn't covered much in our textbooks so we will be using different materials to study the different systems. 

Each week students will fill out a nonfiction text graphic organizer for a test grade in Social Studies. They will use their Scholastic Weekly Reader. The students filled out their first one today. 

I am very excited about all that we are doing in 5th grade, and our upcoming field trip. You should receive a field trip note on Monday. 

We are enjoying our new iPad! The students played a game this week named Presidents vs. Aliens, and they also explored the NASA app. We will use them this week to do some math projects we will be working on. 

For a bonus punch, show someone in your household a rebus we did this week. Comment below which one you used! 


  1. Mcwain center for chloe. Chloe showed the crossroads rebus puzzle

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lawson showed us Top secret. Three secrets with an arrow pointing to the top one!
