Friday, October 25, 2013

9th and 10th Week= Patriotic and Cold

Last week we had a drizzly, cool day at American Village. We all really enjoyed our time here, and we are really getting to our colonies in History now. 

I also enjoyed our meetings at Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday. I was glad to be able to get to know you all a little better. 

During Religion this week we worked on our banner for Reformation Sunday and we started a book to learn more about Reformation. 

We are still moving along in reading The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. I am excited to see what the students are creating with their museums! 

In Science, we are starting biome research projects next week. The students will also create their own ecosystems if we can collect enough 2-liter bottles! 

We are studying Colonial America in History right now. 

In math we are working hard on multiplication and will be starting multiplying decimals next week. 

We are still working on our Poetry books! We are writing Limerick and Diamanté poems this week. 

Don't forget! Sunday is Reformation Sunday at 3:00pm. Fall Festival is Thursday night 5-8 and it's free! November 5th is Chik-Fil-A spirit night. November 15th is our McWane field trip. 

Congratulations to all students who recieved awards today! 


Thank you so much for all the love on my birthday! I love you all! 

Mrs. Jones
"He must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30

Monday, October 14, 2013

8th week= Fall Weather!

Last week was an interesting week for Mrs. Jones. I had my 2nd ever stomach "bug" which stayed longer than it was welcome! I apologize for being out on Tuesday, but the students recieved a great report from the sub! 

In Religion, we are talking about the Holy Spirit. We will also be talking about Reformation, and working on our banner. 

In Math, we have finished up expressions and variables. We will touch briefly on mean, median, and mode this week. 

In Reading we started From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. We will be working a lot with characterization in this book. Next week, we will begin a project titled Establish a Museum, where students will make their own museums! The possibilities are endless and I can't wait to see all those creative minds working! This week they are working on a business letter to the "Met" in New York City. 

We have been working on Poetry in Language. Your students are making their own books, and will share some poems with the class when we are finished. So far we have done Acrostic, Free Verse, and Haiku. 

We are finishing up our assessments on the human body this week and will begin ecosystems. The students will be assigned an ecosystem in groups and will make a food web. 

The explorer reports are due Wednesday in Social Studies, and next week we will do our oral presentations. Make sure to read the guidelines! We are also learning the Preamble, and other neat facts before we go to American Village on Thursday.

**We will meet at school at 7:15 am on Thursday morning. We will leave by 7:20 am. Please bring a sack lunch! I will also have directions printed for each vehicle and the address for GPS. 

For a bonus punch, tell me what museum (anywhere in the world) you would love to visit and why, or a museum you have visited before and enjoyed. 

Mrs. Jones
"He must become greater; I must become less." John 3:30

Friday, October 4, 2013

7th week= Scary!!

We started off the week with Sophia's pet tarantula Charlotte. I faced my fear of tarantulas for sure! 

In Religion this week we reviewed for our Unit 1 test and also did some Bible rebus puzzles. Here is a picture of our Six Chief Parts of Christian Discipline and our crosses we made in Art with oil pastels:

In Science, we worked on our human body projects and finished our life size systems. You all did such a great job!
In Social Studies, we finished up Chapter 2 and began our Explorer Reports. 

Math was filled with finishing up some basics of decimals, and beginning expressions, variables, and equations. We are doing some basic algebra! 

We began the first book of Monitoring Comprehension, and we will finish it this week. We will begin a new read-aloud. 

Exciting news! We were chosen to participate in the Celebrate Science program for the McWane Center in Birmingham! We get to make a science project that will be judged. We also get 2 FREE field trips and if we win we get money for our school! I am super excited about this, because we LOVE science! 

Don't forget: American Village field trip is the 17th! October 27th is Reformation Sunday at 3:30, and Fall Festival is the 31st from 5-7! 

For a bonus punch, tell me what genre you would like to read as a class for a read-aloud this year. (Example- science fiction, action, adventure, etc..)

Have a great weekend! See you Monday! 

Mrs. Jones