Friday, October 4, 2013

7th week= Scary!!

We started off the week with Sophia's pet tarantula Charlotte. I faced my fear of tarantulas for sure! 

In Religion this week we reviewed for our Unit 1 test and also did some Bible rebus puzzles. Here is a picture of our Six Chief Parts of Christian Discipline and our crosses we made in Art with oil pastels:

In Science, we worked on our human body projects and finished our life size systems. You all did such a great job!
In Social Studies, we finished up Chapter 2 and began our Explorer Reports. 

Math was filled with finishing up some basics of decimals, and beginning expressions, variables, and equations. We are doing some basic algebra! 

We began the first book of Monitoring Comprehension, and we will finish it this week. We will begin a new read-aloud. 

Exciting news! We were chosen to participate in the Celebrate Science program for the McWane Center in Birmingham! We get to make a science project that will be judged. We also get 2 FREE field trips and if we win we get money for our school! I am super excited about this, because we LOVE science! 

Don't forget: American Village field trip is the 17th! October 27th is Reformation Sunday at 3:30, and Fall Festival is the 31st from 5-7! 

For a bonus punch, tell me what genre you would like to read as a class for a read-aloud this year. (Example- science fiction, action, adventure, etc..)

Have a great weekend! See you Monday! 

Mrs. Jones