Monday, January 20, 2014

2014- Week 2

This week we continued "Holes" and also worked on context clues, character traits, and predictions. This week we will be finishing "Holes" and do a book character foldable. The students have already chosen their characters for this. This week the students will also receive a study guide for the vocabulary words. 

In math, we will have our measurement test this week. We will begin a short study on "order of operations". 

In grammar, we are beginning commas this week. This will last about 2 weeks. 

During Science we will work on our abstract Tuesday, then science fair projects are due Wednesday afternoon or Thursday afternoon. We will also continue working on severe weather posters, Arbor Day posters, and our celebrate science project. 

We will begin again in History this week. We are still studying The American Revolution. The students have made a "briefcase" that contains foldables pertaining to this piece of history. They are working in groups to complete this and will receive a grade on their "briefcase", and an assessment on chapter 6. 

February 3-4 I will be attending a conference in Birmingham on Common Core: Reading and Writing. My family and I will also be moving over the next few weeks so please keep us in your prayers!

Love you all, 
Mrs. Jones

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