Friday, January 10, 2014


2014 is here and we are busy in 5th grade! Given that we are in the 2nd semester I want to clarify that I am requiring more responsibility from the students. I don't always grade homework, but if it isn't done they will be doing it in their free time.

We are beginning our 3rd unit in Religion this month. We are talking about creation, angels, and satan.

We are reading "Holes" during the month of January. We have book club meeting days where students will take the skills and strategies we have been working on and apply them to the book. They will be required to have 15 AR points for the 3rd 9 week grading period aside from "Holes". 

In grammar we are applying our parts of speech we learned last semester and working on writing. We are beginning with writing short stories/narratives. The students had an assigned topic this week, but will have free choice next week on a topic.

We began measurement in math this week. We will begin fractions in a couple of weeks. I am trying to teach the students that math does require studying! They have been writing their formulas in their math journals and have been bringing them home to do homework with this week. 

We will move into the American Revolution in History this week! 

Science is our busy subject because we are working on our celebrate science project, sever weather posters, and science fair. We will be doing constellations for our project and the students have been busy bees researching for this! Students will have time during technology to research for their science fair project. This is due January 22nd. 

**Please note that students should be bringing an AR book with them to read daily. 

Congratulations to our spelling bee participants from our room, and the winner of the spelling bee Ethan Jankens!
I would also like to congratulate our "A" honor roll students, and perfect attendance. 
Honor roll- Ethan, Max, Sam, Lawson, Chloe 
Perfect Attendance- Ethan
Congratulations everyone! 

 Stay tuned for a post with spelling words and memory verse for next week.
Love you all,
Mrs. Jones

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