Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It has been awhile, so let me catch you up on what we have been doing in 5th grade!

Religion- We are beginning Unit 6-Worship: In Liturgy and in Life. We have had a few deep discussions already from this unit. We will be talking about vocations this week and relating our desired vocation to serving God. This will be a project the students will start on Tuesday, and present to the class on Friday.

Math- We have finished up adding and subtracting fractions, and we are now working on multiplying fractions. When we return from Spring Break we will finish up multiplying fractions, and begin dividing fractions.

Reading- This week we will finish The Thief Lord. This book has been a joy to read during March. We will have an assessment on Friday reviewing the book. The students will also take the AR test for a grade. This WILL NOT count as the 15 AR points they are required to have at the end of the 9 weeks. The AR points come from independent reading time. We are also discussing figurative language and point of view this week.

English- We are working hard on adverbs right now. When we return from Spring Break, we will begin another writing unit.

Social Studies- We are beginning growth and expansion. The students will have a quiz daily, and a chapter test on Friday. They can choose a test or quiz to use their study guide with, or choose to not use their study guide for a 10 point bonus on the final test. (The essay question will not be a bonus this week) When we return from Spring Break we will begin "The Jackson Era" in chapter 11.

Science- We are working HARD on our Celebrate Science project. We have less than a month now to turn it in.

Thank you all for bearing with me last week. I hope you all had a great time on the field trip, and I enjoyed seeing all the pictures. I am glad that this sickness is gone! Have a great Spring Break!

Love you all,
Mrs. Jones