Friday, August 16, 2013

1st Week of 5th Grade=Completed!

We have had an awesome week! I have really enjoyed getting to know each of you and I am excited about what this year will bring! 

Here are a few photos of activities we did this week:

The students wrote their goals for the 2013-2014 school year. They have some great goals! 

The students worked together on a science experiment named "Save Fred!" They used the scientific method in their science binders to write about the experiment. 

Pastor Bussman came to play a multiplication review game with us! 

Boys vs Girls on the multiplication review game! 

We worked in Literature circles to complete summaries of our book Frindle. 

Happy Birthday Lawson!!! 

We had such an exciting week! We are doing a lot of work in different spots around the room so if your child has a beanbag, pillow, and/or a clipboard they would like to bring, they are welcome to leave it in the room. 

I have enjoyed the first week so much! I hope you have as well! 

For a punch on your punch card, leave a comment telling me what your favorite activity was that we did this week. 

See you Monday, have a great weekend! 

Mrs. Jones

P.S.- I enjoyed seeing you all at the pool party tonight! 

"He must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30


  1. My favorite activity this week was Save Fred. Thank you for the drink. Lawson

  2. That was one of my favorites too! You are very welcome, and I hope your birthday was wonderful!

  3. Ethan said his favorite activity is science and learning about cells.
