Monday, August 19, 2013

Homework Aug 19-23


·         You should receive a homework menu for this week. Three items should be completed and be turned in by Friday. If you have any questions about the tic-tac-toe board, please don’t hesitate to ask. As of right now this board is NOT being graded. Students are receiving reward punches for doing them. (This is subject to change)

  • Spelling List: Test on Thursday-Students will be required to write in cursive, and to also write a dictated sentence. This sentence will come from the selection words.

List 1: cancel, travel, castle, salad, catalog, cabinet, blanket, tractor, magnet, cabin, palace, glance, paddle, sang, shampoo

Selection Words: accident, activity, classroom, absent, ballot

For example: The classroom activity was canceled because of the accident.

·         Vocabulary List: Test on Friday

jolt- to move with a sudden, jerky movement             
 promptly- to do something right away

gradually- slowly over a period of time or   distance

     essential- the most important

     acquire- buy or obtain for oneself

·         Bible Memory Verse: Recited on Friday

o   “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

·         Cell project is due on Friday afternoon. Instructions are attached.

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