Saturday, September 28, 2013

6th Week= Extraordinary!

To start off the week I attended the fair, and I saw one of our own's drawing on the wall! 
Go Gabby!!! 

Religion- This week we focused on the 2nd and 3rd Commandment. Next week we will not have a memory verse because we will have our unit test on Friday. 

Social Studies- We began and ended with our explorers. This week we will finish up chapter 2 and begin an explorer report. This will be worked on at home, and at school. 

Science- We are still working on the human body system projects. We are in groups working on a group project. We will try to finish these this week, but it may take us into the next week. You may have noticed Jeffrey coming home with some of you. The students all want to take him home so we are taking turns. Just please be sure to bring him back with all parts in his little home! 

Reading- We finished up Abduction this week, and some students don't know where to go from here. They loved it so much that they wanted me to get another book like it! I love this spirit! This week we will work on monitoring comprehension, then we will begin another chapter book after we finish some of our reading strategies. We will also begin a poetry unit. The students will make a poetry book! 

Math- We worked hard on division strategies this week. Next week we will take a chapter test on decimals and division. Then we will start on expressions and variables. 

We really appreciated the DARE officer and Mr. Bales coming to talk to us about subjects covered in Abduction. Thank you!

Don't forget about the talent show Tuesday night, Oktoberfest next Saturday, and the field trip October 17th. 

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Jones
"HE must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30

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