Saturday, September 28, 2013

6th Week= Extraordinary!

To start off the week I attended the fair, and I saw one of our own's drawing on the wall! 
Go Gabby!!! 

Religion- This week we focused on the 2nd and 3rd Commandment. Next week we will not have a memory verse because we will have our unit test on Friday. 

Social Studies- We began and ended with our explorers. This week we will finish up chapter 2 and begin an explorer report. This will be worked on at home, and at school. 

Science- We are still working on the human body system projects. We are in groups working on a group project. We will try to finish these this week, but it may take us into the next week. You may have noticed Jeffrey coming home with some of you. The students all want to take him home so we are taking turns. Just please be sure to bring him back with all parts in his little home! 

Reading- We finished up Abduction this week, and some students don't know where to go from here. They loved it so much that they wanted me to get another book like it! I love this spirit! This week we will work on monitoring comprehension, then we will begin another chapter book after we finish some of our reading strategies. We will also begin a poetry unit. The students will make a poetry book! 

Math- We worked hard on division strategies this week. Next week we will take a chapter test on decimals and division. Then we will start on expressions and variables. 

We really appreciated the DARE officer and Mr. Bales coming to talk to us about subjects covered in Abduction. Thank you!

Don't forget about the talent show Tuesday night, Oktoberfest next Saturday, and the field trip October 17th. 

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Jones
"HE must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Picture Day!

I forgot to include that tomorrow is picture day! So, don't forget to brush your teeth and smile pretty😁!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

6th Week= Efficient!

This week we made a lot of progress! We are sailing along in 5th grade, and I am enjoying every second of this journey!

This week in religion we talked about the difference between Law and Gospel. We also took a survey of how well we follow the Ten Commandments and learned that we all are sinners! We spent time on the first Commandment (a few days actually), and next week we will talk about a few more of the Commandmebts in depth.

We finished up decimal subtraction and addition today by making a menu from a local restaurant and we had to spend at least $70 but not over $75. The students definitely had to stretch their appetites a bit! Next week we will work on division and take a chapter test on decimals and division. 

We are reading Abduction in reading. The students are VERY engulfed with this story. They beg to read more chapters every day, which in return makes their teacher happy! We are using different reading graphic organizers to work on strategies, and this week they wrote a prediction of what they believe will happen. We will also finish up our grammar unit this week and have a test. 

In Social Studies we finished our project this week and presented them to Mrs. Ninke. I am so proud of 5th grade. They really did a wonderful job! Next week we will begin chapter 2 in our Journey to America book. We will have a Southeastern region quiz on Tuesday. 

We took out chapter 1 test in science this week, and now we will focus more on the human body systems. I feel that this is an important concept, and it is a standard on our course of study. However; it isn't covered much in our textbooks so we will be using different materials to study the different systems. 

Each week students will fill out a nonfiction text graphic organizer for a test grade in Social Studies. They will use their Scholastic Weekly Reader. The students filled out their first one today. 

I am very excited about all that we are doing in 5th grade, and our upcoming field trip. You should receive a field trip note on Monday. 

We are enjoying our new iPad! The students played a game this week named Presidents vs. Aliens, and they also explored the NASA app. We will use them this week to do some math projects we will be working on. 

For a bonus punch, show someone in your household a rebus we did this week. Comment below which one you used! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

4th and 5th Week= Superb!

I apologize for not posting last week! I wrote a post, posted it, and realized mid-week it had never posted. So I will try to sum up both weeks! 

Thank you to all the Grandparents and parents that came to Grandparent's Day! We had a blast! 

The week of Labor Day we had a blast with plants. We did a colored xylem water transport experiment with napa cabbage and colored water. Most of the experiments worked well with the blue colored water. We also began the human body system last week. We had a nurse from Children's hospital in Birmingham come and visit us. She brought lots of neat items with her to show us. 

The past two weeks in Reading we have focused on different genres, and non-fiction text features. This week we will begin a new book titled Abduction! I am so excited to begin this book! I read it last weekend and could not put it down. 

In religion we have been talking about the  Six Chief Parts of Discipline. I have been taking a class on Sunday afternoons with Pastor Bussman, and I am learning so much! We hope to finish our first unit in Religion in two weeks and have our first test. 

We began our first chapter in History and now we are going to finish up our project. We will begin having a regions states and capitols quiz each week. We will start out by naming just the states in a region, then we will include the capitols along with state names. 

We have jumped into addition and subtraction of decimals, and will work on estimating, and money this week. 

We will be going to American Village October 17th, and I will be sending home more information this week. I plan on taking one more field trip this semester.  

We also have began a morning "rebus" puzzle. Ask your child to show you one at home. They require lots of higher order thinking skills! 

We also received IPads and Apple tvs this week from Premier Bank! I am so excited to begin utilizing these in the classroom. 

Thank you all for everything you do! 

For a bonus punch, comment where you would like to go on a field trip to in 5th grade. 

Love you all, 
Mrs. Jones